Sunday, March 7, 2010


Chloe has been begging Aaron and I to take her on a picnic. So we packed up sandwiches and headed to the park. It was beautiful outside today. Most of the kids in the park had tank tops on...I wouldn't take it that far. My kids were still bundled but we didn't have to wear jackets.

I don't know what kid doesn't like to play outside, but mine LOVE it. They would stay outside for hours if we let them. Chloe is getting more and more brave on the slide. Cooper is a daredevil. He has no fear.

Aaron freaks me out when he pushes the kids on the swing. Chloe is complaining of her neck hurting from the whiplash and Cooper is laughing hysterically because he loves going so high. Man I can barely watch but I'm afraid if I don't supervise my kids will end up breaking an arm when they go flying from the seat.

Then we hit Arctic Circle for some ice cream. Chloe turned some sweet potato fries into letters for us. She was so excited she made a "H" all by herself...especially since she has a "H" in her name. Can't believe she knows how to spell and almost write her name at three.

Here are the twins. Thankfully Cooper ended up on Aaron's side of the table. He is such a MESSY eater...especially since he wants to do everything by himself. You aren't allowed to help him with bites or wipe his face or give him drinks...he wants to do it!

Chloe thought it was funny that Cooper had a spoon in his mouth in the picture so she grabbed a spoon to copy. What a ham. Now off to the store to grab some sweet potatoes and apples to go with our baked pork chops...yummy!

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