Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Potty Training

For all of you out there who have potty trained a boy before...could you send over some insight?

Cooper is so interested in going potty in the potty like Sissy does and I know I am the one holding him back.

He grabs his diaper and tells everyone every time he goes pee or poop.

He follows his sister into the bathroom and monitors her every move.

He hates to stay in a wet diaper.

When he goes down for a nap, if he can manage to get his pants off...the diaper comes off too...and then he pees through the railing onto the floor...ugh!

He screams everytime you put a diaper on him...not because he is in pain but because he hates to wear diapers.

Any help would be fantastic. Like an amazing book that lead you to victory or a couple pointers to get me started. Not sure why I'm so scared. Chloe was potty trained by this age...and speaking full sentences by this age. Cooper has a five word vocabulary and ten thousand noise vocabulary. Diapers just sound easier to me right now but I don't want to miss his urgency to get big!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh...I feel your pain! Other than Cayden does not want anything to do with underwear or a pull up. I am so ready for him to go in the toilet I can't stand it. Cody won't even let him go to town with them unless he wears a pull up or underware (thinking he would start) instead he cries out the window when Cody leaves. He is soooo stubborn! Good luck.
