Saturday, May 15, 2010

Zoo Day at Preschool

Took at trip to the zoo with Chloe's preschool.
The tiger was our highlight since he was awake and sitting right next to the glass.
Morning is a great time to go to the zoo.
Most of the animals were awake and active.
A little annoyed they were charging $3 to see them feed the giraffes...otherwise they had them tucked away so you couldn't see them.
Hard up for money these days I guess.

Cooper LOVED the giraffe slide. He had NO fear.
He climbed up the stairs like a champ...even though he was slower than the average five year old (I was really impressed with how patient the other kids were with him).

And down the slide he went.
Over and over and over again.
Chloe wouldn't have anything to do with it.
She on the other hand has a lot of fear.
It could be because she is a girl and not a risk taker.
Could be because she has had seizures with some little risk she has taken.
Could be because she is a sissy.
Or all of the above.

The weather was perfect!
Not too cold. Not too hot.
Beautiful day to go to the zoo.

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