Monday, December 6, 2010

Our trip to Seattle...

We had a long week of testing and appointments for our little Chloe Mae this last week. The anticipation was causing a lot of anxiety for her daddy and I but we made it through together. She was such a trooper. In the top left picture we are awaiting her sedation for her MRI. Unfortunately she couldn't eat anything that morning so she was not a happy camper. She told me just before this picture, "I am a starving marvin and I am not very happy."

In the upper two pictures poor little Chloe underwent an EEG where they attach a bazillion electrodes to her little head and then read her brain activity. Unfortunately she had to be sleep deprived for this test so you can see the exhaustion in her sweet little eyes and then so peaceful as she got to snuggle in and go to sleep. She was so sleepy the wires attached to her head didn't bother her one bit once she fell asleep.
To the left she is drawing Dr. Ferri (her neurologist) a picture...the poor person in her drawing looks similar to an alien:)

We are so proud of our baby girl. All of her tests came back normal and so the doctor gave us a go ahead to start weaning off her meds and pray that she doesn't have any breakthrough seizures.


  1. YOu are such an amzing and strong person to be going through that!!!I will keep my fingers crossed for you and say a little prayer for Chloe while you are taking her off her meds...Yeah for you guys ;)

  2. Sweet Chloe I'm so happy everything is good we are praying that she stays seizure free!!
