Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Happy 5th Birthday Miss Chloe Mae!

Can't believe she's five!!

Tangled Birthday Bash

So on top of an awesome glamour party...Rapunzel from Tangled made a special appearance.
She was very real and brought all the features with her...including her puppet Pascale.

What a pretty princess...she sure felt like one that day!
I am sorry I am still having major issues rotating my pictures:(
Check out the amazing hair dos the girls got.

And of course nails and make up...

Glamour Party!

Miss Chloe had a Princess Glamour Party for her 5th Birthday this year...
full of pampering and beautifying and fun:)

Happy Birthday Miss Chloe

Daddy made the best lady bug ice cream cone cake cupcakes! Chloe LOVED them!!

The tradition continues. Aaron has made the cake for every birthday our babies have had.
He is definitely a super daddy!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Saving Our Pennies

This week was a good sale week for me.
Between Rite Aid and Walgreens spent total $142.28 and saved $167.71.

Some of the great deals:
Excedrin Migraine $4.99
on sale for $2.50, used two $2 coupons, received $1 UP reward when you buy 2
so FREE item (I had six coupons so I got six FREE excedrin migraine)

Crest Complete Toothpaste $3.99
used $1.00 coupon, received $3 UP reward
so another FREE item

Advil $9.99
on sale $8.99, used $2 coupon
so 100 ct Advil for $6.99

Advil Childrens $6.99
on sale $6.29, used $2 coupon that was in Rite Aid's Sunday paper flyer
so paid $4.99 for brand name Advil (since Chloe's surgery we have been going through this alot)

Cascade Dish Washer detergent $4.99
on sale for $3.49, used $1 coupons for each purchase
spent $2.49 for each
(seems like dishwasher detergent isn't on sale very often..when it does go on sale I am all over it)

Finish Electrasol dishwasher detergent not sure reg price
on sale $3.99, used 0.75 coupons x3, received $1.50 register reward with each one because I purchased them in separate transactions
out of pocket for each one $1.74

Nabisco Crackers/Cookies $1.99
always looking for sales on munchies for my ALWAYS eating family
on sale for BOGO free
bought 12 boxes of different kinds for less than $1 each

General Mills cereal $4.79
another item we go through alot of (don't tell my dentist which kinds I feed my kids...ssh)
on sale $2.50, used four different coupons $1/4, $1/2, $1/2
spent $2-2.25 for each
(usually you can find cereal for less but all I have at home is healthy cereal and my coupons were about to expire so I figured it's still a better deal than spending almost $5 per box)

These are just a few of the big deals that keep me addicted. The best part is Aaron enjoys putting it all away:)

Sneak peek at my baby girls surgery sites. Bruised. Swelling has gone done. Steri strips still intact...thank God! She is doing good though. Thanks for all your love and support. It really really helps get through a traumatic experience for us all.

Chloe's Hernia Repair

We started the morning at 4:45 am with some eggo waffles (her favorite breakfast...of course I added peanut butter to one of them for some long lasting protein)...she was supposed to be on a clear liquid diet after 5:10 am. So we decided to fill her tummy as much as possible prior to 5:10 am. The nice thing was due to my high anxiety level I had been up and ready for the day by 4:00 am. Later that morning when the staff at the hospital kept asking when the last time was Chloe had anything to eat or drink Chloe would respond, "My mom woke me up in the middle of the night to feed me some waffles!"

Thankfully brought the laptop with Bugs Life for entertainment:)

She looked so little in the gurney all by herself so I joined her.

Then after talking to a bazillion people about allergies and histories and Chloe's starving tummy...we were all gowned up and ready to roll.
Chloe getting some last minute loves from her daddy. She did great until the last ten minutes before showtime when her stomach started to growl. I knew I should have put peanut butter on two of her waffles instead of one.

After a very long hour and a half surgery she was in recovery and ready to fill her tummy with SOMETHING! Sweet baby girl did amazing of course. She is a trooper. Did not cry or fuss once when she came out of anesthesia!! That's my girl:)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Cooper's Birthday Celebration

This is Cooper after his birthday bash is all said and done!
He was done! Thank you Nick and Claudia for the snuggly sleeping bag:)
Cheesy smile!

Happy Birthday Ooper! I mean Cooper:)

Such a sweet birthday boy...Not a baby anymore:(

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Best Camping Trip

The bestest host and hostess
Donna and JD were amazing. Thank you thank you for all you did for our family that weekend. They have a beautiful cabin and opened it up to our families with open arms. You guys are the best!
Bryan and Necole
Thank you for providing all the entertainment with all
the toys! Cooper will be talking about his motorcycle
adventures for years. We love you guys!!
Bryan and Necole's youngest Claire with Chloe
They weren't too sure about the algae filled water
but it was so hot it was really really tempting.

"But I don't want to wash my hands or face!"

Helicopter Rides in High Valley

We went camping in High Valley with some very good friends of ours. The helicopter rides were the highlights of the trip! The neighbor to the cabin we were staying at was a pilot and had his very own red helicopter. He was so so sweet to give us all turns! Cooper WAS IN HEAVEN.
Dennis (the pilot) removed all four doors to remove
some weight which meant the only thing holding us into
our seats was our seat belts!
Chloe was too scared to go the first day but after hearing her brother rant and rave all day and night about it she changed her mind the second day. Once we were up in the air she still didn't know what to think. Very serious but very brave. So glad she decided to go.

Coop spiked a temp our last day in the mountains.
You can see it in his eyes but he wasn't going to miss a
beat because of it for sure.

Thank you so much Dennis, Donna and JD for arranging that amazing event!

More camping pics...