Monday, September 5, 2011

Chloe's Hernia Repair

We started the morning at 4:45 am with some eggo waffles (her favorite breakfast...of course I added peanut butter to one of them for some long lasting protein)...she was supposed to be on a clear liquid diet after 5:10 am. So we decided to fill her tummy as much as possible prior to 5:10 am. The nice thing was due to my high anxiety level I had been up and ready for the day by 4:00 am. Later that morning when the staff at the hospital kept asking when the last time was Chloe had anything to eat or drink Chloe would respond, "My mom woke me up in the middle of the night to feed me some waffles!"

Thankfully brought the laptop with Bugs Life for entertainment:)

She looked so little in the gurney all by herself so I joined her.

Then after talking to a bazillion people about allergies and histories and Chloe's starving tummy...we were all gowned up and ready to roll.
Chloe getting some last minute loves from her daddy. She did great until the last ten minutes before showtime when her stomach started to growl. I knew I should have put peanut butter on two of her waffles instead of one.

After a very long hour and a half surgery she was in recovery and ready to fill her tummy with SOMETHING! Sweet baby girl did amazing of course. She is a trooper. Did not cry or fuss once when she came out of anesthesia!! That's my girl:)

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