Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Out on the Boat

Our friends Hayley and Bryan took us out on their boat and I have to admit I was a little nervous. Not sure about the life jackets and if the kids would like it or not and getting sun burned and yes I know I am neurotic. But we had a GREAT time!!!

Cooper complained a couple times about his life jacket but wore it like a champ the entire time. He even fell asleep halfway through the boat ride. I threw him into the water once to Aaron and he never wanted to touch it again. A little cold for his scrawny body...no insulation.

I could not believe how much Chloe loved it. She was so relaxed and enjoyed herself the entire time. Didn't complain once. Everytime the boat stopped to get someone ready to ski she was sitting on the edge dipping her toes. She loved it.

Aaron water skiied. Did great.
A little sore the next day and unfortunately he got the most burnt out of all of us:(
He had a great time though too.

My sweet baby girl.

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