Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bike Riding

At our new place the kids spend most of their time on their bikes. They have a great private lane with no traffic and a straight road all to themselves. Its great for riding fast without any obstacles or poles or mailboxes to worry about. Cooper prefers his Dora automatic four wheeler over his tricycle because he can keep up with Sissy.

We thought Chloe was always going to be chicken on her bike but she is a maniac now. She rides very fast and when she crashes she wipes herself off and gets right back on. Maybe one of the benefits of turning four.

Like I said he prefers the Dora bike instead. Not much success with the tricycle yet.
The annoying thing is with this weather I never know if I should dress them in their cute fall clothes or put some summer clothes on them. Unfortunately I was not a very good judge that day because she was riding in this fall outfit in 90 degree weather. They didn't make a peep about being hot...then I took their helmets off and realized their heads were soaked. Whoops.

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