Sunday, February 27, 2011

Our Fun Weekend

We started off the weekend with pizza and a visit to
Monkey Bizness with the sweet Meyers family. Zoe, Chloe
and Reece had SO MUCH FUN together!!

So did Cooper and Sage...they weren't really
into the PDA like the girls were:)

My cheesy son...when you tell him to smile he scrunches his face up like this so you can see his beautiful overbite from sucking his thumb. Then he wears his favorite knit broncos hat which is slightly too small so his cute big ears stick out. Then he puts his sisters Princess and the Frog panties on (peed in the potty five times that morning:). Then he adds the snow boots. We are going to have some serious words...when he is older. He is such a ham and so DANG cute!

Aaron called the local firestation and asked if
we could come check out the engines. They were
very sweet to show us around and Cooper was in
heaven of course. We even got to experience them
being dispatched out and how that all works. So fun.

Then topped off our Sunday with some buy one get one free cones:)

Even two whole adult movies in this weekend.
Buried with Ryan Reynolds...very intense and very good
(wish the ending was different but still liked it).

Second movie was Going the Distance with Justin Long and Drew Barrymore.
Woke up from sleeping with Cooper in his toddler bed with him at midnight, headed downstairs and watched the entire movie without falling asleep. Finished at 1:30am:) That's how cute it was. Worth staying awake for.

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